
Martin County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc.

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Infant Health

Having a new baby is exciting and a wonderful experience! A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope and a dream of new possibilities.

It’s common for new mothers to be anxious about how to best care for their babies, families, and ourselves. Try to cut back on the news and only watch for a little bit each day. Look for stories of community, kindness and courage. See the many ways that people are helping each other. And be gentle with yourself.

If you are feeling very worried or anxious don’t be afraid to talk about it – with your family and friends. If it feels like too much, say so!

Please, do not mask your baby!


Reasons not to mask your baby are:

Important Tips to protect your newborn baby

Delivering your baby with confirmed COVID-19, will it harm them?

For more information about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Infants (read more)

Tips to help guide you with symptoms for your infant:
